SSE Midterm Online Meet-Up

The Social Studies Education Program hosted an Online Midterm Meet-Up for all the currently enrolled Dip/MASSE students last March 25, 2023. The said event was moderated by Dr. J. Aleta Villanueva, the current Program Chair of the Diploma in Social Studies Education/Master of Arts in Social Studies Education (Dip/MASSE).
The Midterm Meet-Up aimed to provide the students a venue for a program-level learning community building through academic-related interaction/fellowship on (1) Dip/MASSE program-related concerns, (2) capsule research/project proposal presentations, and (3) MASSE focus group discussions.
SSE 290 OpenClass - Thematic Analysis: An Approach to Analyzing Qualitative Data

The SSE 290 OpenClass entitled: “Thematic Analysis: An Approach to Analyzing Qualitative Data” was held via Zoom on May 14, 2022. Dr. Douglas Eacersall from the University of Southern Queensland shared his knowledge on analyzing research data, particularly Qualitative Data. This event was free and open to all the SSE Students.
The whole purpose of conducting a thematic analysis is to arrange all the gathered data into structured information using a simpler process, Dr. Eacersall explained. It groups the messy data together to present the arguments and evidence in a way that people would easily understand. This approach results in an in-depth and rich analysis of the findings within qualitative research.
SSE 290 OPENClass: Writing Effective Literature Reviews for Research

The tenth installment of the Research Journeys series entitled “Writing Effective Literature Reviews for Research” was held last 26th of March 2022, via zoom. The said event was hosted by Dr. Douglas Eacersall from the University of the Southern Queensland (USQ)
A common problem in writing the literature review is that many people tend to use the “shopping list approach”. The speaker also elaborated that the reviews do not consist of plainly summarizing and listing the ideas with their corresponding sources. Instead, a good literature review effectively associates the literature with the research project while presenting its significance to it. It must be written in an evaluative and critical manner rather than plainly descriptive.
Research Journeys VI: Writing Research Arguments
The sixth installment of the Research Journeys series titled “Writing Research Arguments”, was hosted via Zoom on the 26th of August, 2021. Dr. Douglas Eacersall from the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) shared his experiences in his own research as well as some helpful tips and tools on writing research arguments.
Dr. Douglas Eacersall (with PhD in History) began the talk by sharing his experiences in research writing about the revival of western martial arts pursuits in Australia. While conducting a historical study, he came across an issue that is commonly encountered by researchers – dealing with a large amount of information.
Reading pages upon pages of books, journal articles, and data can overwhelm a researcher and make it difficult to effectively articulate their research arguments. While the staggering amount of information can be overwhelming, Dr. Eacersall outlined a process to aid in the writing process and the management of information.
Research Journeys VII: MDE & MASSE Guest Student Speakers

The seventh installment of Research Journeys entitled “Capsule Proposal Student Sharing” was held last 30 September 2021, 10 AM via Zoom. The event was attended by 37 participants, the majority of which are composed of GCDE/MDE and D/MASSE UPOU students. The event was moderated by Dr. Juliet Aleta R. Villanueva, the current Program Chair, Diploma in Social Studies Education/Master of Arts in Social Studies Education (D/MASSE), and the Faculty Secretary of Faculty of Education, UP Open University