Course Description
The course seeks to capacitate 9-12 language teachers, tutors, learning support teachers, and college instructors with additional teaching skills and strategies to specifically address the writing needs of adolescent learners at the senior high school, post-secondary or first-year tertiary level, who pose to have learning difficulties in academic writing best addressed while immersed in writing.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the participant should be able to:
a) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of adolescent learner and the writing process
b) develop teaching strategies and skill sets for academic writing
c) co-formulate instructional plans for academic writing suited to adolescent learners and their common difficulties
Course Content Outline
I. The Nature of the Writing Process
A. Academic Writing vs Creative Writing
B.General Skill Areas and Targets for Adolescent Learners
C. Writing Structures/ Formats aligned with Command Terms
II. Diagnosing and Addressing Common Writing Problems
A. Word Level – Vocabulary, Word Usage, Spelling
B. Sentence Level – Grammar, Sentence Structure & Precision
C. Paragraph Level – Logic and Coherence
D. Achieving Conciseness and Brevity
III. Strategies for Language Learning Support
A. Areas of Support for the Adolescent Writer
B. Basic Strategies for Learning Support in Academic Writing
eTL 155 Teaching Academic Writing for Adolescent Learners

Sample Learning Activities
> 1-2 weekly asynchronous tasks or assignments
> 2 weekly live class lectures/ sessions*
> one-on-one/ small-group consultations on selected course activities
> midterm evaluation of course teaching & facilitation
> culminating short course project sharing at the UPOU FEd-EduFair
*all live class lectures/sessions will be recorded and made accessible at the LMS