Course Description
Academic language support teaching and learning advising are considered as professions distinct from classroom teaching given its major focus on bridging learning through personalized instruction and learning advising in the areas of academic writing, language strategy building, language counseling and overall learning advice. Academic Language Support Teachers and Learning Advisors are considered as key academic or professional staff positions in ODEL and residential secondary/tertiary level institutions. A recent call for learning support aides from the Department of Education lends credence to the work entailed which positions UPOU teacher education programs to address the need for professional training and/or skills development of the current teacher workforce. Thus, developing and capacitating foreseen members of this teaching workforce is aimed at providing quality academic student support services to ensure student retention and success.
This course is aimed to initially equip language educators, free-lance online teachers and para-teachers with the basic knowledge and skills as well as a learner-centered disposition entailed by these professions. Upon course completion, these teaching professionals are expected to address the needs of online learners and their learning difficulties in the areas of academic language and management of their learning.
Course Objectives
While engaged in the course, the participant should be able to:
a) reflect on their sources of knowledge and ways of knowing as teachers or education practitioners
b) explain academic language support and learning advising as a relevant profession
c) develop skills in learner-centered language support and learning advising
c) create a plan of action to establish a community of practice
Course Outline
A. Course Content Outline
I. The Nature of Academic Language Support and Learning Advising
A. On LSTs & LAs Ways of knowing
B. Perspectives on academic language support and learning advising
C. Knowledge, skill sets and attitudes for a learner-centered practice
II. Case studies of Academic Language Support (K-10)
A. Diagnosing common student language learning needs/issues
B. Addressing student’s needs/concerns through explicit skills instruction
III. Case studies of Learning Advising (Senior HS-Post-secondary)
A. Language learning strategy-building for adolescents
B. Language learning strategy-building for adult learners
C. Providing language counseling and learning advice
D. Course Activities and Assessment
Below is a list of possible course activities and assessment:
– learning community site forum participation
– participation in live/online classes, demo-teaching or webinars
– observation and mentoring sessions with self-reflection activities
– one written assignment
– presentation and/or participation in EDUKussion or EduFair Virtual Symposium
This coverage is subject to improvements based on course feedback and/or midterm course participant evaluation.
Online Academic Language Support and Learning Advising